Tips on Frying BackStrap For First-Timers

Whether you have a White-tail, Nilgai or Axis, a good ol’ backstrap can always make for a great Saturday evening meal. We definitely do our ground meat and sausage basics during the week, but every now and then, when we have a little bit more time, we like to fry up a backstrap.

I personally find the frying and prep work to be a little messier and time-consuming than our average meals, which is why I prefer to do it on a weekend when we can take our time and enjoy the process. Please note, I am NOT a cook. In fact, I am actually a HORRIBLE cook. I know, so why would you take advice from me? Because even I can do it. Now THAT’s a pretty good reason.

Here are my tips on frying up that backstrap after many failed attempts, HUGE messes and tough meat. I’m not going to give you exact measurements and cook times, but these are the general tips for making it perfect!

  1. Thaw your meat, but preferably a day before cooking. Thawing it in water the afternoon of your cooking session to rush the process just isn’t “right.” I don’t know why exactly, but it’s true.
  2. Begin your prep work and make it a two-person job. One person on meat duty and one to gather ingredients. Start with running the meat under water, trimming off any fat and cutting your steak into medallions. I let the hubby do this part while I gather ingredients. You’ll need flour, Tony Chachere’s Creole Seasoning, milk and vegetable oil. I have seen some recipes that use different seasonings, but I’m telling you, Tony’s gives you the best flavor.

  1. Grab a cold beer. The work is just starting.
  2. Pull out your tenderizer and let it fly. Don’t be bashful because the more tender the better. Throw ‘em in a bowl of milk and let sit in the fridge for as long as you can. This pulls out some of the “game” flavor.

  1. Batter it up. You’ll need a plate of flour and Tony Chachere’s Creole Seasoning mixed up. Take meat from milk to flour and Tony seasoning, then set aside until you’re ready to fry. Now, this is where we get into a debate in our household. Tongs vs. hands. I know, the drama of such a debate, right? My husband likes using his hands during the battering process. This (he thinks) ensures your medallions are covered and coated better. I prefer tongs. I used to use my hands but they’d end up being more battered than the meat.

  1. Start frying.  Heat 1-1.5 inches of vegetable oil in a large frying pan. I repeat- large frying pan and just the right amount of oil. Add meat and wait until golden brown.

  1. Eat and enjoy! Our kids use ketchup to dip, but if you follow my directions, you won’t need any condiments. Promise.

What seasoning combinations have you used? Do you prefer tongs or hands for battering? Let us hear your tips for frying the perfect backstrap.